Make global connections that help them spot opportunities and Collaborate at the top and get cabinet and C-suite level exposure to model expectations
Decision makers
Engage diverse talent from everywhere to produce results using the “many innovators, one breakthrough” and have the opportunity to show a strong hand in quick implementation and solution generation to speed decisions and ensure agility
Our goal
A place whereby ANY USER can become a world class consultant by communicating ideas, interacting, and working with others to improve the World’s most important issues like hunger, energy, education & health.
Since 1993
Key advantages
- For students: Quick access to white papers and real case scenarios for essays and thesis, the strong possibility of getting a paid job or Internship as a world class consultant.
- For Academics: their own collaboration tool to facilitate projects and communicate.
- For Consulting firms: exposure top decision makers that can become their potential customers.
- For Publishers and writers: to find article and publication ideas and measure response.
- For top Leaders: an inexpensive , more complete solution that allows them to come across as visionaries, passionately curious individuals that crave new insight and suspect that others beyond their organization have them.

Inspire them with a Vision of change that is beyond any of their powers to bring about individually
Convince them that the other collaborators are vital to the effort and equal to the challenge
Prevent any one party from benefiting so much that the others feel their contributions are being exploited.